All posts by igendel

Inside An IKEA LED Light Bulb

I’m usually happy with my IKEA purchases, but this one particular LED bulb was a big disappointment. It was installed in a desk lamp (also from IKEA) that wasn’t used much; I seriously doubt it worked even 500 hours overall, when it started failing. I did not have the receipt to attempt exchange or refund, so the only thing left to do was crack it open and learn what’s inside.

LED bulb,still whole.
LED bulb,still whole.

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Drawing With EVE

Recently, I was requested by a client to develop a certain control system using the VM800P35A. This “EVE development module” by FTDI Chip (EVE standing for Embedded Video Engine) is an interesting combination of an Arduino, a 3.5″ LCD display, and the FT800 Graphic Controller. In this “first impression” we’ll see what this module is all about, and what you can expect from it.

Back side of the VM800P35A module
Back side of the VM800P35A module

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Meet My Beaglebone Black

A while ago I got a Beaglebone Black. You’ve heard of the Raspberry Pi, right? Well,  it’s similar in concept, although the Beaglebone Black (BBB for short) is stronger and looks way more cool. At first I made it into a simple Ubuntu “PC” for my young children, but after they got an upgrade, I took it back and started over. This is a short report of what I managed so far.

UAE Amiga Emulator Running on the Beaglebone Black
UAE Amiga Emulator Running on the Beaglebone Black

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