Category Archives: Beaglebone Black

Programming AVR Microcontrollers With Linux (The Relatively Easy Way)

After playing with the Arduino for a certain period, you may feel an urge to move forward to stand-alone microcontrollers. The official way to program AVR MCUs is with the Atmel Studio IDE and an Atmel programmer/debugger, such as Atmel-ICE. But Atmel Studio is only for Windows, and the programmers are pretty expensive. Here’s an alternative.

A cheap AVR programmer, suitable for Linux too
A cheap AVR programmer, suitable for Linux too

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Meet My Beaglebone Black

A while ago I got a Beaglebone Black. You’ve heard of the Raspberry Pi, right? Well,  it’s similar in concept, although the Beaglebone Black (BBB for short) is stronger and looks way more cool. At first I made it into a simple Ubuntu “PC” for my young children, but after they got an upgrade, I took it back and started over. This is a short report of what I managed so far.

UAE Amiga Emulator Running on the Beaglebone Black
UAE Amiga Emulator Running on the Beaglebone Black

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